Hijama Therapy


Hijama Therapy in Kannur

In modern times, many methods have been invented to treat diseases and some old methods are adopted, in which one method of treatment that has been going on for centuries is Hijama (Cupping). The meaning of hijama is to pull/suck. In this process, a little blood is extracted from the skin of different parts. As human health depends on the body’s blood, so if the blood is purified, then the person is healthy; otherwise, he suffers from various diseases.

Hijama Therpy in Kannur


Hijama is an ancient treatment recommended by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and the angels. In this ancient method of treatment, various diseases are treated by extracting bad blood from 143 places in the body. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) declared hijama as the best treatment.

إِنْ كَانَ فِي شَىْءٍ مِمَّا تَدَاوَوْنَ بِهِ خَيْرٌ فَالْحِجَامَةُ ‏

Abu Huraira reported that Prophet (ﷺ) said: “If there is something excellent to be used as a remedy, then it is Hijama Cupping”. [Sunan Ibn Majah, 3476]

Hijama Therapy in Taliparamba


If we examine the historical background of hijama, it is known that the first book on medical science was written in 1500 BC, which was written using the ancient Egyptian language. The surprising thing is that people knew about the Hijama method and its benefits even before this book. The book name is Ebers Papyrus. Despite many differences among scholars about the authorship of this book, all people recognize this book as a great work of ancient times. In the discoveries of the pyramids of Egypt and other ancient civilizations, some images were also found, which were engraved on the walls and large rocks by the artists of that period, depicting the important events of that time. The work of art created by them included the prevalent methods of treatment and surgeries of that era. They contain images of shapes and tools that depict the performance of hijama.  The ancient book Ebers Papyrus describes the treatment method practiced during this era of Hijama.

Hijama Therpy in Kannur

He (ﷺ) explained: “The best medicine with which you treat yourselves is Hijama, or it is one of the best of your medicines,” or “The best treatment you can use is Hijama.” [Sahih Bukhari Hadith-No: 5371]

In hijama, scratches were applied to certain parts of the body and a tool with a hole in the tip was used to breathe through this hole, and then the hole was sealed with beeswax. Hijama is also mentioned in ancient Chinese civilization. In an ancient medical book that is written three thousand years ago, hijama was declared as the best treatment.

Hijama Therapy in Taliparamba


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a central role in yoga and acupuncture. Hijama is also honored as the national treatment method of China. According to Chinese medical science, the energy found inside the human body is called “Chi” which means force, energy, or the waves that flow through our body and control or provide power to all functions. Scientists are also amazed at how humans solved such a complex medical system thousands of years ago. Apart from this book, archaeologists have also discovered an ancient book of Chinese civilization. According to this book, the Hijama method of treatment has been practiced in China since 3000 BC. According to Grace, among the discovered works of Hippocrates in the civilization, some papers were written 400 years before Christ and in them, the four main points of the Hijama procedure were presented. These four points were also described by Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).

Hijama Therapy in Taliparamba

Modern medical science is now increasingly turning towards Hijama. Western scientists and research institutions are constantly engaged in research on hijama, the basis of all this research is the oldest medical book. The famous scientist also carried forward the research on the four-point formula described by Hijama. These scientists include Ibn Nafis, Abul Qais, and Ibn Sina, whose books were taught in European universities until the 18th century AD. They were also translated into many languages of the world. In the United States and Europe, Hijama treatment was carried out until the 1920s.


Hijama is not a new thing of this era; rather it has deeply rooted in ancient ages. The diseases that do not cure even with the most expensive treatment disappear within a short period of Hijama treatment as if they never existed. Depression, insomnia, high and low blood pressure, arthritis, and many other diseases are cured by Hijama.

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